Airplane Injury And Aviation Lawyer
Serving Houston And Nearby Cities
Our uniquely qualified association of legal professionals handles a wide variety of cases, including wrongful death and personal injury claims arising out of commercial and private airplane crashes, 18 wheeler and auto accidents, motorcycle accidents and many other types of personal injury cases.

We Provide Solutions
Over the recent years, the aviation industry has experienced an exponentially faster growth in terms of innovations compared to other forms of transportation. Due to this movement, traveling across hundreds to thousands of miles has noticeably become easier for many, and territorial borders have become less apparent. In simpler terms, the world has shrunk dramatically.
80% of Modern aircraft accidents result from Human Error
Mechanical failures were the primary cause of aviation accidents back in 1903 but those have dipped throughout the years. Natural Causes will remain constant, but newer innovations and technology assure that remains unlikely. Laws that effect compensation are a lot more complex.

Laws that make compensations a lot more Complex
With the fading of borders, however, finding solutions to bureaucratic and legal issues has also become complex. Numerous factors determine the possible compensation to be received by an aggrieved claimant:
- Type of flight: domestic or international
- Place of ticket purchase
- Passenger nationality
- Applicability of national treaties
- Manufacture location of the aircraft
- Type of claims raised
Looking Back
McDonnell Douglas MD-82
In 1987, a Northwest Airlines McDonnell Douglas MD-82 aircraft crashed on takeoff at Detroit’s Metropolitan Airport, killing 154 passengers on the plane and 5 on the ground. The only survivor was a 4-year-old girl. After investigation, the probable cause was deemed to be crew failure with regards to following their standard checklist.
On August 20, 2008, a similar case of crew failure occurred with another MD-82 aircraft operated by SPANAIR. As the Take-off Warning System (TOWS) failed to notify the pilots about the problem, the plane also crashed on takeoff at Madrid’s Barajas International Airport, killing 154 passengers and crew.
“Today, approximately 1100 MD Series aircraft with similar defects are still taking to the skies.”

a damaged frame of an old plane

Representation You Deserve
Flying is one of the safest modes of transportation to date. Unfortunately, aviation accidents are still pretty much a factor to consider, and many affected individuals require the assistance of a law firm that is adept at legal, investigative, bureaucratic, and technological aviation complexities to protect their rights for legal compensation.
Arturo J. González P.C. has handled numerous aviation-related cases over the course of 25+ years, resulting in millions of dollars in secured compensation. Specific expertise can immensely impact the positive outcome of your case. With our proven track record, you are assured of thorough investigative efforts and proper evidence retention that will result in your favor.
What can you expect?
- Unrivaled expertise in dealing with loss
- Full commitment to your case
- Receiving the compensation/legal representation you deserve
We understand your need for closure and restitution should such catastrophic events arise and result in any damage to or to the loss or injuries of your loved ones. Contact Arturo J. González P.C. at 713-237-8383 — because you deserve nothing less than superior and committed representation.
832-703-7075 (Phone) | 713-237-8385 (Fax)
405 Main Street, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77002 USA